Sustainable Ceramic Glazing Workshop
“Mix a glaze once and never throw it down the sink”
Taos Ceramics Center
November 15-18, 2024
3:00 to 5:00 Open to the Taos Art Community.
3:00 to 4:15 Slide lecture. Mary Cay works in series and she will be showing Hope, Ceramic Canvases, and Blue Landscape. She will also discuss her developments of Kiln Jewels followed by a Q and A session.
4:15 to 5:00 Slide lecture on the history and results from the Sustainable Ceramic Glazing
(SCG) process.
10 AM – Starts with a review of a base glaze. Covers details on how to capture and prepare
a scrap glaze for testing and the four methods of making a new glaze. Discuss all aspects of adjusting a glaze through a better understanding of raw materials, colorants, additives, and specific gravity in the testing process. MC will demo and discuss different types of test tiles and how to mix, measure specific gravity, apply, and record a sustainable test batch glaze.
PM – Each student will be assigned one or more raw material and test tile to make at least five tests. Cay will be available to assist and answer questions individually. The kiln will be loaded and fired, and as the kiln needs time to cool, results will be analyzed on Monday.
Take time to enjoy all that Taos has to offer: great hiking, galleries and the sumptuous Northern New Mexico food.
3:00 to 5:30 – The class will reconvene to discuss the results from the kiln firing, meaningful note taking, and how to make a large glaze batch from desirable results.