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We are delighted that you are considering attending a class at Taos Ceramics Center! Please take a moment to read over the information provided below to acquaint yourself with some of our policies and procedures prior to the start of your first class. Please refer to the TCC’s Studio Information and Guidelines for a more complete overview of our policies. Your instructor will be happy to answer any additional questions you may have.

It is very important to keep the studio workspaces and glaze areas clean. Clay and glaze left on the floor will dry and become a fine, nearly invisible silica dust, which is circulated and suspended to float indefinitely in the air. This dust is a serious health hazard to all who use the studio. This is a WET CLEANING studio. NO SWEEPING ALLOWED. Wet mop the area around your work area when you are finished. Always use a wet sponge to clean up clay dust.

Do not do any scraping or dry-sanding in the studio as it creates hazardous silica dust. We encourage wet-sanding. Any dry-sanding must be done outside and with the appropriate safety equipment (respirator).


This is a community studio – please be aware that your actions affect everyone around you!

All new students must thoroughly read and acknowledge receipt of the TCC Studio Information and Guidelines, sign the TCC Waiver of Liability prior to their first class, and participate in the studio orientation that will be given at the start of first class.

Do not hesitate to ask on-duty staff if you do not know something. Ceramics is a highly technical art form and even the most experienced ceramicists need help sometimes!

Only clay purchased at TCC’s Annex may be used in the studio. We would like to avoid any mistakes or accidents that may damage the kiln shelves, kilns and others’ work!

Adult class fees for 8-week classes include instruction, a storage cubby or shelf, use of studio tools and glazes, and use of the facility during posted Open Studio hours for students on a first-come first served basis. While it is not necessary, it is highly recommended that you attend the open studio.

Enrolled students may use the studio during Student Open Studio hours by utilizing SignUpGenius. A link will be sent once you have enrolled and paid for your class. You may sign up for one open studio session per week of class instruction. Only students currently enrolled in a full-length 8-week class may participate in Open Studio sessions.

 You may attend only the class in which you are enrolled.

Do not use any sharp tools on the plaster wedging/reclaim tables. Plaster chips may become embedded in the clay and may cause the fired piece to explode in the kiln.

We provide water buckets, sponges and some community tools. You may purchase beginning tool kits and various other tools at the Annex or online. You may want to bring an apron and an old towel for clean-up.

All long hair must be securely tied back. No long, loose, or flowing clothing. For your safety, please do not wear open-toed shoes. Wheels, kilns and other equipment can be a safety concern.

Each class session will begin with a tour of the facility. It is important that you arrive on time. All new students go on the tour to acquire an understanding of the equipment and its use. You are encouraged to ask questions of your instructor at this time.

In most cases your instructor will demonstrate for 20 to 30 minutes of each class period (times may vary depending upon subject matter or circumstance). Unless otherwise indicated by the instructor, all students are expected to give their full attention.

Clean-up is critical! Please help your instructor, our hardworking staff and volunteers by beginning clean-up 30 minutes before the end of class, helping out with common areas, and leaving class on time. WET CLEAN-UP ONLY USING MOP OR SPONGE – NO SWEEPING!

Please, no clay down the drain! Put all clay scraps and clay slurry into the appropriate reclaim bucket (^6 or ^10), being sure no sponges, tools, or other foreign objects enter reclaim bucket.

Please pre-rinse hands, tools, sponges and throwing bucket (after emptying) in clay-rinse buckets located adjacent to clay sink before final washing in sink. This preserves our plumbing and our environment. Please wipe down sink and surrounding area. Never use kitchen or bathroom sinks for clay or glaze clean-up.


Please thoroughly clean wheels, catch pans, stools, worktables and bats, again being mindful to not allow any clay to be washed down the drain. Use a bucket and sponge for this clean-up and empty into clay-rinse bucket or appropriate reclaim bucket. Mop up any spills or splatters promptly using wet mop or sponge. Be sure wheel is turned off. Place stool upside down on wheel head.


Replace all tools, sponges, glazes, banding wheels, reusable plastic, molds, or other community property to their appropriate place.

For each 8-week session you must complete all “wet” work during the 5th week of class, the 6th class is for trimming, finishing construction, and placing all work on the “to be bisqued” carts so they will be ready to glaze on your 7th class. Your work will be ready to take home after the 8th and final class. If you have any unfinished work, you may purchase a day pass or a Studio Card to gain studio access to finish your work, or you may elect to purchase a membership at Taos Ceramics Center.


The student agrees, at all times, to indemnify, protect and hold harmless Taos Ceramics Center LLC and its agents from and against any and all losses, damages, suits, claims, demands, costs, and charges that Taos Ceramics Center LLC may directly or indirectly suffer, sustain or be subjected to, by, or on account of (i) the student’s entry upon, occupancy, or use of the facility; or (ii) the student’s conduct in the facility – whether such losses or damages are sustained by Taos Ceramics Center LLC directly, or by other persons or entities (including employees or independent contractors associated with Taos Ceramics Center LLC), who may seek to hold Taos Ceramics Center LLC liable. This indemnification shall not apply to instances attributable to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Taos Ceramics Center LLC.

TCC is not liable for damage or loss of ceramic work or personal property. Please leave your   valuables at home.


All programs are subject to change or cancellation.


Cancellation Policy

To request a cancellation and refund, you must email Class fees are generally not refundable unless there is a waitlist for the class and a student substitution can be made in which case you will receive a 85% refund. Should a class be canceled due to insufficient enrollment or any other reason, your class fee will be fully refunded. If a class is cancelled due to inclement weather, we will make every effort to reschedule, but there are no refunds for cancelled classes due to inclement weather.

We are happy you have chosen to join us at TCC! We hope you have a great time and invite you to become a member (if you are not already!).

Join the TCC Mailing List!


114 Este Es Road, Taos, NM 


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